For all we complain about the Ween, we really love him. See, Mayor Bloomberg has the chutzpah of a man who has billions of dollars in power and influence at his disposal. Anthony Weiner has nothing near that kind of firepower, but he still manages to muster up more than his fair share of cojones. Take today’s story in the Times as evidence of Weiner’s guts. The congressman, who has announced that he will run against Bloomberg for mayor this year, is quoted launching his first shots across Hizzoner’s bow. “We have engaged in the worst kind of boom-and-bust planning,” Mr. Weiner said of the incumbent’s financial policies, adding that Bloomberg’s grandiose future plans represent an “old-fashioned way of thinking.”
That’s some tough talk! Yet in the same speech, Weiner told the crowd that the campaign for mayor shouldn’t start now. “Now is not the time for politics,” he said. “It is a time for problem solving.” Wow, contradicting the popular mayor this early in the game — it takes balls to do that. But contradicting yourself in the same speech? That takes a Weiner.