It was refreshing to see Barack Obama join a cabal of high-profile conservative columnists at George Will’s house for dinner and discussion on Tuesday night. Most of them had plenty of criticism for Obama during the campaign, but our new president signaled that ideological differences don’t preclude people from being cordial, from respecting one another, or even from finding common ground. And maybe, just maybe, that less divisive, more mature tone would be embraced by the opinion-makers who supped there that night. Chatting on Fox & Friends this morning, Bill Kristol made it clear that, at least for him, that would not be the case. “They got some coffee in some Styrofoam cups,” he said, referring to the group of liberal journalists Obama also met with Wednesday morning. “We had a pleasant dinner at George’s house, and they had some coffee from the machine in the office.” Take that, liberals! You may control the country now, but Bill Kristol got a free meal. So there.
Kristol Boasts: Liberals Got ‘Some Coffee In Styrofoam Cups, We Had A Pleasant Dinner At George’s House’ [Think Progress]
Earlier:What Do You Think of Obama’s Dinner With the Conservative Carrion?