media deathwatch

Obama or No, the Media Keeps on Evolving

It’s an odd day in the media; some people are getting good news, some bad, and a pair of Newsday top editors have been missing without explanation for five full days now. Check it out, after the jump!

Newsday editors are mysteriously missing. Editor-in-Chief John Mancini and Managing Editor Deborah Henley have been out of the newsroom for five days straight, and their whereabouts are apparently unknown. [NYP]

• According to the oft-updated Media Is Dying Twitter, Eater LA’s editor, Lesley Bella, has been laid off. [Media Is Dying/Twitter]

• After the Tribune Company went bankrupt, WPIX reporter Chris Glorioso was told he couldn’t cover the inauguration. But he financed the coverage himself — by sleeping on his mom’s couch — and WPIX made a website out of it. [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]

• Popular political website Talking Points Memo is launching a new political blog, Talking Points Memo D.C. Matt Cooper, formerly of the New York Times and currently a contributing editor at Portfolio, will be covering the Obama presidency for the website. [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]

• Another popular political website, Daily Kos, has reported its 2008 revenue at more than $1 million. [Daily Kos]

Portfolio’s Jeff Bercovici is understandably suspicious of the Times’ knight-in-shining-armor, Carlos Slim. And he’s not the only one with questions (such as Why did Slim do it? How will the deal affect the Times’ editorial content? And is this money enough?, respectively). [Portfolio, WSJ, Newsosaur, Gawker]

• The New York Times has issued guidelines about personal blogs, Facebook, Twitter and the like for Brian Stelter employees. [Silcon Alley Insider]

The New Yorker’s Jill Lepore writes, “‘The newspaper is dead, long live the newspaper!’ has lately become the incantation of advocates of e-journalism, who argue that the twenty-first-century death of the newspaper hardly merits a moment’s mourning, since it is no death at all but, rather, a rebirth. Even if that turns out to be true — and you have to hope it is true — the digital newspaper could do with a better slogan.” We’re just the messengers? [NYer]

• Shortly after announcing to the staff of the Tucson Citizen that their paper (the oldest continuing daily in the state) might have to be shut down soon, Gannett honcho Bob Dickey went off to play in an expensive charity golf tournament in Palm Springs. [Gannett Blog]

Obama or No, the Media Keeps on Evolving