As readers of Daily Intel and the Cut know, there is much more to Olivia Palermo than the vaguely evil-seeming beauty that appears on the MTV show The City. She’s been wronged by everyone — socialite rivals, gossip websites, and even her financially flailing father — and yet she only gets skinnier, prettier, and more fashionable. It’s like she draws power from negative attention — on The City she is simultaneously villainous and more glamorous than ever.
Today the Post tried to write a flattering story about her, but perhaps sensing this trend, they ended up undermining her in spite of themselves. Take their description of the young socialite’s “job” at Diane Von Furstenberg, which was arranged for by MTV:
She is vague, however, about exactly what it is she does all day, and refuses to say whether she is on the payroll. When asked what time she has to be at work, she cannot answer.
The tab continues to allow Palermo to hoist herself by her own petard when it begins quoting her about her charity work.
In high school, she says, “I did, like, walks for cancer.” Today, she is involved with New Yorkers for Children and Operation Smile: “New Yorkers for Children — our job is to get people to come to the galas. Operation Smile, I pretty much do the same thing, but Operation Smile is for people with deformed faces.”
You might be slightly embarrassed to have a quote like that in a major paper (“Like, walks for cancer”?), but not Olivia. She’ll feed on it for more power. In fact, we happen to know that the minute this very blog post was published, her cuticles were magically perfected, and all her remaining split ends were repaired.
Earlier: Olivia Palermo: Everything You Need to Know