Andrea Peyser, the Post columnist who has been gleefully anticipating the opening of the posh new Greenwich Village High School since word of its existence was first passed between tables at the Waverly Inn, has some sad news today: The school’s opening will be delayed by a year, or perhaps indefinitely. Quoth Andrea:
The rope line was to crack open this September for the elite Brents and Britneys who were granted entry into the fledging institution … But abruptly, late last week, plans for the school, scheduled to cost an eye-popping $34,729 a year — down to $1,000 for what a Web site snarkily called the “token poor” — were abandoned indefinitely. Officials pulled the plug after a “huge chunk” of funds promised by donors never materialized.
(We always wish we’d gone to high school with more Brents. The Britneys, obviously, we could do without.) What this means is that rich and influential backers like Graydon Carter, John Leguizamo, and Bob Kerrey couldn’t pony up the dough. Since the school already rents a townhouse on Vandam Street (technically in Soho, natch), had received and reviewed applications, and employs a small staff, there are some questions to be answered. Here’s our first one: Have we missed our only chance to have a school with a real Gossip Girl?
(We always wish we’d gone to high school with more Brents. The Britneys, obviously, we could do without.) What this means is that rich and influential backers like Graydon Carter, John Leguizamo, and Bob Kerrey couldn’t pony up the dough. Since the school already rents a townhouse on Vandam Street (technically in Soho, natch), had received and reviewed applications, and employs a small staff, there are some questions to be answered. Here’s our first one: Have we missed our only chance to have a school with a real Gossip Girl?