Even though we knew this was going to happen, we still weren’t prepared when the divorce trial between tech multimillionaire George David and Countess Marie Douglas-David turned to the bedroom once again. Yesterday, lawyers grilled George over whether he was intimate with his wife in 2007, after he had separated from her and taken up with a mistress. If that’s the case, it might go a long way toward convincing a judge to set aside the $38 million prenuptial agreement Marie is seeking to contest. George’s defense against this was to say that if he was ever intimate with her, it was because she — a beautiful, thin blonde 30 years his junior — forced him to do it.
And so we bring you today’s update in the ongoing boxing match between the two bitter divorcés.
Round One: George complained that Marie “frequently” grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into bed, a claim Marie denies. Victor: Marie. Aren’t we trying to prove that she was a good wife? You’d have to drag us by the arm to have sex with that dude.
Round Two: George claims that in November of 2007, during a joint trip to Malta, Marie “initiated” sex, but he “declined.” Victor: George, for coolly making what was probably an extremely ugly/hot situation seem like a business transaction that he, a businessman, was in control of.
Round Three: A month later in Sweden, George succumbed to her desires, even though he claimed it was “against his will.” Victor: Marie, for getting what she wanted, even though it was probably with this legal situation in mind. Loser: Us, for having imagined what that must have been like.
Round Four: George’s lawyers claim that Marie knew her behavior was erratic and unfair at times, since she wrote him an apologetic letter after she learned he had a mistress. “I realize I have made so many mistakes and errors which I with all my heart wish I could have undone,” she wrote. “There is no one in the world who can make me as happy as you have made me at times. You can literally make me bounce off the earth. You are the person who gave me wings and taught me how to fly.” Victor: George. Marie, of all people, should know that love means never having to say you’re sorry. Especially when doing so will get in the way of taking one-third of his money in the divorce.
David Divorce Trial: Portrait Of A Conflicted Couple [Hartford Courant]