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Meghan McCain Picks Easy Target in Ann Coulter

John McCain’s daughter took to the Daily Beast today to air her concerns about the state of the Republican Party and its utter unattractiveness to young voters. “It is no secret that being a Republican isn’t the most hip political stance a person can take right now … Being a Republican is about as edgy as Donny Osmond,” she writes, making a reference that, ironically, many people around her age will probably not understand. But where does McCain place the blame for how unhip and unpopular the party is? Not in its policies, nor in its actual leaders, but in sideshow attraction Ann Coulter.

McCain is rightly turned off by Coulter and wonders whether the insane viewpoints she espouses are for real. “I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time,” McCain writes. The thing is, outside of Coulter’s cult of followers, everyone pretty much agrees with that sentiment. Coulter may represent low-hanging fruit if you’re looking for someone to criticize, but she isn’t a “figurehead” in Republican politics, because figureheads at least have the illusion of being important. Of course, if you want to take on the real leaders of the GOP, like Rush Limbaugh — who a few days ago predicted that the ailing Ted Kennedy will die before health-care reform is passed — you risk being excommunicated from the party.

My Beef With Ann Coulter [Daily Beast]

Meghan McCain Picks Easy Target in Ann Coulter