In an episode airing next month, former Evangelical minister Ted Haggard and his wife will go on the TV program Divorce Court. They have a lot to talk about: Their marriage has been battered by Haggard’s public admission of a sex-fueled relationship with a male prostitute, his fall from grace with his former flock, and allegations that he sexually harassed a young church worker. It’s just the latest of Haggard’s (sort of desperate-seeming) bids to stay in the public eye — he’s already been on Oprah and Larry King Live. We would say that we felt sorry for his wife for getting dragged into all of this, but then she does things like try to argue that this whole mess, including Haggard’s therapy to curb gay instincts, “made him a better man” and is “a divine rescue.”
But the best part of the pair appearing on Divorce Court is that they’re not getting a divorce. They just want to talk about how strong their marriage is. Yeah, remember that part where we said Ted Haggard’s bid to stay in the public eye was sort of desperate-seeming? We were being way too kind.
Former evangelical pastor Ted Haggard, wife to discuss gay sex, meth, marriage on ‘Divorce Court’ [NYDN]
Earlier: Alexandra Pelosi on Ted Haggard’s ‘I’m-Super-Sorry’ Publicity Tour