Maybe he’s been reinvigorated by his crusade to legalize same-sex marriage. Maybe he’s just overexcited about the new gerund-challenged movie Fighting. Either way, it seems Governor Paterson is done being pushed around and dragged down by a do-nothing Senate. Earlier today, at an event to honor Richard Ravitch, the former MTA chairman whose proposal to prevent fare hikes has stalled over objections to tolls on the Harlem and East River bridges, Paterson said that he wanted to find critics of the plan, “and maybe after this event, we’ll step outside.” He added, cockily, “I do have that visual problem so that would make it a fair fight.” The crowd responded with “loud applause,” according to the Post. Whoa, wait a second is that two days in a row that Paterson has received loud applause? The man is a juggernaut.