why does michael wolff keep insisting that we think about his sex life?

Let’s Play ‘Guess Who Michael Wolff Is Writing About’!

From Michael Wolff’s political column today on Newser.com:

What do men in their fifties and sixties know about girls in their twenties? Are these young women looking for purpose, for a job, or just publicity (will the publicity provide a purpose and a job?)? Middle-aged men, so flummoxed by the desires and ambitions of young women, seem especially easy prey to girls with blogs. What do you do with a girl who won’t shut up?

Get it yet? Here’s another clue: “Empowered,” he writes, “she’s turned into someone who actually wants a seat at the table, apparently unaware of the incongruity and awkwardness of a 24-year-old girl among the guys with their pants pulled up high.”

Did you guess yet? No? But it’s so obvious. He’s talking about Meghan McCain!

If You Blog, Is It Better to Be Blonde? [Newser]
Earlier: Do We Really Live in the New York of Victoria Floethe?

Get it yet? Here’s another clue: “Empowered,” he writes, “she’s turned into someone who actually wants a seat at the table, apparently unaware of the incongruity and awkwardness of a 24-year-old girl among the guys with their pants pulled up high.”

Did you guess yet? No? But it’s so obvious. He’s talking about Meghan McCain!

If You Blog, Is It Better to Be Blonde? [Newser]
Earlier: Do We Really Live in the New York of Victoria Floethe?

Let’s Play ‘Guess Who Michael Wolff Is Writing About’!