Ugh, it’s that time of year again. April. The Cruelest Month. Speaking of torture, we randomly free-associated when we ran into Sigourney Weaver at the opening night of Why Torture Is Wrong, and the People Who Love Them at the Public Theater the other night. Had Sigourney filed her taxes yet? “Can I do what?” she said, looking confused.
We repeated it. “Have you filed your taxes?”
“I hope so.”
“You don’t know?”
“I think I have.”
“Okay. You mean someone else does it for you?” (We had asked the question, and we felt compelled to see it through to a full and complete answer.)
“Well, no, I mean — this year I worked in so many different countries, I’m not sure they’re all done. You have to file different files when you work in different countries. I’m not quite sure how all that happens.”
“Do you think you will be among the highest bracket that Obama wants to tax more?”
“I’m absolutely willing to pay more taxes if my country would work better for everybody.”
We think that’s a yes!