The editors of Surfing and PRWeek exited today, Google defended itself against the Associated Press, and Dan Abrams continues to have trouble controlling the stories about his media-relations venture.
• Surfing magazine’s editor-in-chief, Evan Slater, is leaving the magazine to become a digital-content manager. He is being replaced by a 24-year-old former intern. [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]
• Google defended itself against the AP’s announcement of its new hard-line stance against content theft by saying that it doesn’t hurt newspapers, it helps them. [Google via Digits/WSJ]
• PRWeek’s editor-in-chief, Keith O’Brien, is leaving the magazine to join Attention! PR. [PRNewser/Mediabistro]
• Dynamic Graphics+Create and Step Inside Design aren’t folding, they’re just moving online. “Ninety-eight percent of the revenue from those magazines was online” anyway, says WebMediaBrands CEO Alan Meckler. [Folio]
• Dan Abrams seems annoyed that all people say about his new media-strategy-consulting venture is how it unethical it seems. [Mediabistro]