real estate

Battle Between Cooper Square Hotel Guests and Tenement Neighbors Gets Amped Up

The battle between the Cooper Square Hotel and the residents of the tenements that abut it on both sides has evolved into a (just above) street-level war of words. According to one neighbor whose window directly faces the hotel’s second-floor patio, guests have been violating the 9 p.m. closing times of the outdoor lounge spaces. He wrote in an update to Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York:

Got to try the megaphone this week. About 2 a.m. a drunk woman came out to the patio and wondered at its beauty. I pulled out the megaphone and said in a store announcer kind of voice “Attention Cooper Square Hotel douchebags: shut the hell up and get off the patio.” Didn’t work. She said “That makes my New York experience complete” and continued to yammer away.

While we do not advocate this approach, we imagine the neighbors would have more success providing another quintessential New York experience: carefully directed vomit or urine that somehow manages to be constantly underfoot. Let’s vaguely hope it doesn’t come to that.

Notes from the Backside [Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York via Curbed]

While we do not advocate this approach, we imagine the neighbors would have more success providing another quintessential New York experience: carefully directed vomit or urine that somehow manages to be constantly underfoot. Let’s vaguely hope it doesn’t come to that.

Notes from the Backside [Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York via Curbed]

Battle Between Cooper Square Hotel Guests and Tenement Neighbors Gets Amped Up