the adventures of bullwinkle

Gossip Girl Spinoff Officially Dead

After much back-and-forth over the fate of Lily (Or, as we like to call it, The Adventures of Bullwinkle), the much-anticipated CW spinoff of Gossip Girl is finally, officially dead. EW gossip faun Michael Ausiello reports that the CW announced it during the run-up to its Upfront event here in New York on Thursday. (Also discontinued will be Privileged, but in its place will be the new version of Melrose Place.) Sad as we are to lose all of the insights we were going to better understand — the facial features and daddy issues drilled into Lily during her teenage years — this is really probably for the best. After five minutes of watching Andrew McCarthy play a spineless preppy dad in the eighties, as opposed to a spineless preppy teenager, we knew the world would not be right if the show continued.

’Without a Trace,’ ‘Privileged,’ canceled, ‘Gossip’ spin-off DOA [Ausiello Files/EW]

Gossip Girl Spinoff Officially Dead