
Jim Cramer vs. Nouriel Roubini, Round Two

The last time CNBC host and New York columnist Jim Cramer begged to differ with vagina-walled prognosticator of doom Nouriel Roubini, Roubini called him a “buffoon” and suggested he “should just shut up because he has no shame.” But like a moth drawn to a flame (bless him), Cramer has once again been compelled to take on his nemesis.

In a comment on comrade Doug Kass’s blog Real Money Silver, Cramer said:

Today Roubini, my favorite perma-panda, takes on Warren Buffett in a piece entitled “We Can’t Subsidize the Banks Forever,” in the Op-Ed section of the Wall Street Journal. This debate reminds me of the Pope v. Stalin when Stalin responded to the query about the pope being an opponent with “How many divisions does he have.” The simple truth is that the professor can’t stand up to the nation’s bank arbiter and this veiled attack seems like sour grapes as the answer isn’t that we subsidize banks forever, it is that we subsidize them for as long as we have to. Does Roubini favor nationalization because he has people short through this RGE Monitor outfit? Is that what this is all about?

Now, Roubini’s probably going to actually answer to this, because it’s actually a kind of serious allegation, and one that is sure to make the Perma Panda’s fur stand straight up. On the one hand, we can’t wait to hear his comeback, and watch this feud proceed to its glorious conclusion. On the other hand, we kind of want to cover our eyes, because something about this is bringing up unsettling memories of when Ernie and Bert used to bicker on Sesame Street.

Cramer Calls Out Roubini [Reformed Broker via DealBreaker]
Earlier: At Last: Jim Cramer vs. Nouriel Roubini

Jim Cramer vs. Nouriel Roubini, Round Two