the greatest depression

Harvard Students Want Everyone to Know They Can’t Even Feed Themselves

The Times has a “this economy” story today about cutbacks at elite schools, specifically Harvard. Apparently, this whole entire time Harvard upperclassmen were receiving free bacon-and-egg breakfasts in their dorms every day, and now they’re mad because this practice has been suspended, along with a lot of other perks, and now they have to rustle up their own meals just like the idiots at Florida State or wherever. Okay, blah blah blah, Harvard students pay a lot of money, so as consumers they have a point, probably, but the quotes are still funny!

The loss of scrambled eggs, bacon and other cooked breakfast foods in the dorms of upperclassmen on weekdays seems to have stirred the most ire.


Khoa Tran, president of Harvard Taekwondo, told The Harvard Crimson that his team would have to share practice space with the Crimson Dance Team — and he was not sure what to expect.

Khoa Tran, if you and the dance team can manage to resolve your differences and come together to produce a wildly successful breakfast-saving fund-raising talent show, your movie deal is imminent.

At Harvard, Leaner Times Means No More Hot Breakfast [NYT]

Harvard Students Want Everyone to Know They Can’t Even Feed Themselves