Every year there’s a moment when something happens and, all of a sudden, the holiday spirit kicks in and we’re like: “It’s CHRISTMAS! YAY!” Today, for us, it was this sentence:
Mr. Simmons is everything you expect him to be. At a recent class, he stood at the front of the room wearing teeny red shorts and a matching “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” tank top encrusted with crystals. His lean, shapely legs were covered by nude tights, over which he wore pristine white socks and sneakers. And there was the ever-present halo of curly, graying brown hair, a miracle of hair plugs.
Happy holidays, everyone! We’ll be back on Monday, well-rested and slightly rounder.
A Celebrity Sweats: It’s Richard! [NYT]
Happy holidays, everyone! We’ll be back on Monday, well-rested and slightly rounder.