Back in December, Hugh “Skip” McGee, the head of Barclays’ investment-banking division, wrote an insane letter to the headmaster at his son’s private school, the Kinkaid School in Houston, in which he demanded that two teachers, a female history teacher and a “gay female coach,” be fired, along with the principal who supported their dangerous feminist notions. (Their crimes: suggesting that a performance that Skip’s non-gay son and his football-playing friends were to perform in drag was “negative gender stereotyping” and telling girls in the class that belonging to the spirit club was pandering to the football team, respectively.) It seems like he got his wish — on two counts, at least — because this week, the school sent out a letter to parents announcing the resignation of Upper School principal Mickey Saltman and physical education director Cindy Gough.
From the letter, which was obtained by DealBreaker:
This week, Upper School Principal Mickey Saltman announced his decision to retire at the end of the current school year. While I had hoped Mr. Saltman would return to Kinkaid for the coming school year, I respect his decision fully. Mickey Saltman has served Kinkaid with great distinction for twelve years, and his career in education-first (and always) as a teacher, then as a department chair, and finally as a principal at two first-rate independent schools-spans nearly fifty years. At Kinkaid, he has led a superb faculty with skill, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, and he has served as a wonderful role model for our students.
Now, Skip just needs to get that history teacher to cut the “Women Get The Right To Vote” chapter out of the texbook, and everything at Kincaid will be ship-shape.
Barclays Banker Prevails: Son’s School Will Be Drag-Show Friedly Zone [DealBreaker]
Earlier: Barclays Executive Attacks Hateful Feminist Teacher for Making His Practically Adult Son Cry