early and often

Bob McDonnell Is This Year’s Bobby Jindal

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, whose victory over Creigh Deeds last November was part of a supposed Republican resurgence, has won the distinct honor of delivering the Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address. In a statement announcing the decision, House Minority Leader John Boehner said McDonnell is a kick ass governor who “has offered common-sense economic policies in stark contrast to Washington Democrats’ job-killing agenda.”

For McDonnell’s sake, let’s hope his star turn goes better than Bobby Jindal’s, who delivered the GOP response to President Obama’s address to congress last year. Jindal’s much-hyped performance was widely panned, though it’s hard to dislike someone who so thoroughly resembles 30 Rock’s Kenneth Parcell. Anyway, McDonnell should rest well knowing that the only way his performance could be weirder than Jindal’s is if he lifts up his shirt and starts rubbing his beer belly a la Tracy Morgan.

Bob McDonnell to Give GOP State of the Union Response [CBS News]

Bob McDonnell Is This Year’s Bobby Jindal