Last year was the year of the wedding dance video, a genre that hit its zenith when Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz were flown, along with their entire wedding party, from Minnesota to the New York set of the Today show in order to re-create the up-the-aisle dance they’d done to Chris Brown’s “Forever” after it went viral on YouTube, where it made millions of viewers cry — in some cases, no doubt, because they hadn’t thought of doing it themselves. After that, there were many viral wedding videos, though none hit quite the same level of popularity — until now. This year, Jeff Wong and Erin Martin have raised the bar considerably with their Save the Date Video for their wedding this fall. The couple have been together ten years, and their announcement is suitably, literally epic, with the production values of, roughly, Avatar. We won’t spoil it for you, but we will say we’re afraid of what this couple’s wedding video is going to look like, and God forbid, what will happen if they have a baby.