Longtime Eliot Spitzer friend and colleague Lloyd Constantine has written a book about “those 61 hours, from the March 9, 2008, moment [he] received Spitzer’s phone call revealing facts the entire world would learn the next morning until his March 12 news conference.” Betraying his former boss’s confidence the way that Spitzer himself betrayed ours, Constantine claims that his book, Journal of the Plague Year, contains a depth of “knowledge of personal history” known only to him. But when Post columnist Cindy Adams asked the tell-all writer whether he was still in communication with his close friend of 30 years, Constantine uncharacteristically clammed up.
“If he chooses to say anything to me or wants to talk about any of the incidents, he can. He knows where to find me. It’s sort of how Art Garfunkel once sent a message to Paul Simon. He said: ‘S - - -, if you’re upset with me, call me and tell me.’ ” Silence again, then: “At this point, I’m really not ready to talk about it publicly.”
Oh, okay. You take your time, Lloyd. For now, just focus on blabbing about the intimate details of your friendship that will make you lots of money. The rest doesn’t really matter.
Insider to spill Spitzer’s story [Page Six/NYP]
Oh, okay. You take your time, Lloyd. For now, just focus on blabbing about the intimate details of your friendship that will make you lots of money. The rest doesn’t really matter.
Insider to spill Spitzer’s story [Page Six/NYP]