Bernie Kerik had a little heart-to-heart with Cindy Adams recently, wherein he explained that he was sorry about all of the bad things he did, not really so much because they were wrong but because none of his famous friends are calling him anymore (what about Caroline Manzo? Cindy didn’t ask), his wife is pissy at him, and mostly, because he is broke. “Nobody understands the magnitude of what happens,” he said. “Anyone who goes this road had better be prepared financially.” Good to know!
Also, emboldened, perhaps, by a few glasses of his favorite Zinfandel, Bernie confided to Cindy that he had a special project to keep him occupied in prison:
“A few months ago, I started writing a novel. I have a literary agent and I’m speaking to a writer who’ll work with me. It’s about a group of feds hunting homegrown terror cells. Basically kids born here, sent abroad to return as teenagers indoctrinated with radical Islamic ideology and planning US targets.”
’I got involved in my own celebrity. It’s arrogance. You think above the law.’ - Kerik [Page Six/NYP]