Ever since we first saw Constantine Maroulis and Tinsley Mortimer together, we have been fascinated by their fake-seeming, reportedly contractual romance. But they’re really going to great lengths to put on a show for us! Last night at around 1 a.m.,Tinz and the Rock of Ages star stumbled into the exclusive red-wristband section of the William Rast after-party, where the socialite told us that walking in the Richie Rich show was really fun, and that the show was delayed “a little” because the star, Pamela Anderson, arrived late. “But Pamela is worth it,” Tinsley assured us. “He was there,” Tinsley added giddily, pointing to Maroulis. They moved over to the bar, where they spoke earnestly. After several minutes, she was leaning on the bar, and Constantine had his arms around her. She whispered in his ear, their foreheads met, there was a kiss, then they walked off hand-in-hand.
Sigh. We guess we’ll have to honor this commitment with our true mark of respect for celebrity coupledom: a ridiculous nickname. What should we call them? Constantinz? Constinsley? Maroutimer? Constantimortimer? Tinstantine Mortimoulis?