Stephanie Madoff, wife of Bernie Madoff’s son Mark, has apparently had enough of getting glared at every time she hands over her credit card at the supermarket. Yesterday, she asked a court to let her and the children take the last name Morgan, to “avoid the embarrassment, harassment, and endangerment associated with the name.”
According to the Post:
She understatedly notes that her father-in-law “was recently featured prominently in the news for defrauding numerous investors in his companies.”
Understandable, but it wasn’t that recently. It’s been over a year since Madoff confessed to his Ponzi scheme; one would think she would have made time to do this routine personal errand earlier. Now, the papers have — aside from the occasional prison high jinks — largely stopped covering him, and the story has since progressed past the obligatory Law & Order knockoff to a full glamorization on Damages. Not even Madoff’s victims care anymore. As one tells the Daily News, “I’m beyond thinking about the Madoff family.” Weird.
Kin: We quit being Madoffs [NYP]
Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff’s daughter-in-law, plus two grandkids, are changing their last name [NYDN]