gross things

Judge Sending Andrew Young and His Wife to Jail

Andrew Young, the obedient man slave of John Edwards who took the blame for his boss’s love child and then wrote a tell-all book about it, is going to jail until he turns over every copy he has of the alleged John Edwards–Rielle Hunter sex tape (pending legal appeals, etc). Also, his wife has to go, too! Young says he’s already turned over everything he has, but Hunter’s lawyers claim he’s lying, and the judge is inclined to agree.

Superior Court Judge Abraham Penn Jones said that he held the Youngs in contempt because he believes they are withholding other items from the court, including, WTVD says, additional copies of the tape.

There were things told to the court under oath, in affidavits, in testimony that turned out to be inaccurate. Right now, part of me says they didn’t tell me the truth before in this court,” Jones said, according to the Raleigh News and Observer.

The judge really, really wants to get every one of these tapes, you see. For, uh, normal … judging … purposes.

Ex-Edwards Aide Ordered to Jail Over Sex Tape [ABC News]

The judge really, really wants to get every one of these tapes, you see. For, uh, normal … judging … purposes.

Ex-Edwards Aide Ordered to Jail Over Sex Tape [ABC News]

Judge Sending Andrew Young and His Wife to Jail