equal rites

Monserrate’s Opponent Puts the Pressure on Gays

A couple of nights ago, Jose Peralta, the Democratic nominee for Hiram Monserrate’s former State Senate seat, told a Queens gay group that if they can’t get him elected next week, well, they’re probably never going to get married. “If we are not victorious on March 16 then everybody will sort of fill up their chests and say it was a lot of hot air,” Peralta said, referring to the vow of gay-rights groups to punish Democrats, such as Monserrate, who voted against the same-sex marriage bill. “I think that’s why March 16 is the litmus test.” Right — if a guy with the backing of the entire Democratic establishment can’t figure out a way to defeat a disgraced alleged girlfriend-slasher, it’s the gays’ fault. Anyway, it’s really a moot point since a new Siena poll out today shows Peralta with a commanding 60–15 lead over Monserrate. (Phew.)

Peralta Says Election a Marriage “Litmus Test” [Gay City News]
Poll: Monserrate Trails in Bid to Win Back Seat [1010 Wins]

Monserrate’s Opponent Puts the Pressure on Gays