Governor-felling prostitute Ashley Dupré broke some news this week: She’s got a boyfriend! On the website Stiletto Suicide, the former call girl and current Post columnist talks rather sweetly about her new, unnamed man. “I have met someone and I’m really happy. He’s my best friend and I love him to death and I’m just taking it one day at a time,” she explained, adding that she doesn’t like to talk about him in interviews, because “it’s nobody’s business” and “it gets too complicated.” Therefore, we don’t know too much about her relationship with her new love — but we do know a little. Earlier in this tender, touching interview, she explained what she knows about monogamy: “If you’re in love with someone, you want to treat them like the five year old. You want to cater to them and love them and hug them and like be emotionally there. Like you want to give them a blowjob!” Ah, love.