If you’re curious about the the mathematics behind the Livability Index we used to pick the best neighborhoods in New York for our annual Neighborhoods issue, and want to know more information than statistician Nate Silver’s brief explanation provided, Silver took more time on his blog to walk readers through it. The post clarifies points over which some readers appeared confused (like, for example, how “affordability” was measured per square foot, not per bedroom, though we used “two-bedroom” as shorthand for 800 square feet) and goes into great depth on the numerical sources we used to quantify categories like “Health and Wellness” and “Creative Capital.” It also clarifies how Silver feels about the neighborhood that, according to his ranking system, is the most livable in New York. Says Silver: “I don’t even like Park Slope, particularly.”
Additional Information on New York Neighborhood Ratings [FiveThirtyEight]
Related: The Neighborhood Issue 2010 [NYM]