One of the better-organized extensions of the increasingly large Tea Party movement has released a list of targets (all Democratic) in the hopes of taking them down in the midterm elections. Some of the targets are already on shaky ground, and this news — while probably not a surprise to them — can’t have made anyone happy. In the Senate, they’re after Arlen Specter (Pennsylvania), Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas), Barbara Boxer (California) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada). In the House, they’re going after Betsy Markey (Colorado), Tom Perriello and Gerry Connolly (Virginia), Alan Grayson (Florida), Baron Hill (Indiana), Barney Frank (Massachusetts), Dina Titus (Nevada), John Spratt (South Carolina), and Alan Mollohan (West Virginia). In some cases they’ve already endorsed opponents, even though primaries haven’t happened yet.
The Tea Party Express isn’t just a clever name. It’s an actual whistle-stop tour of many of these battlegrounds. And they’ve recruited many important conservative firebrands to make appearances. Like Sarah Palin! Ann Coulter! Andrew Breitbart! Joe the Plumber! And, uh, SNL alum Victoria Jackson!
Tea Party Express Targets Candidates [Caucus/NYT]