Vanity Fair contributing editor and former “Page Six” helmer Frank DiGiacomo will return to his tabloid past this summer. He’s headed to the New York Daily News to take over the “Gatecrasher” column from able young scribe Amanda Sidman, who herself will go on to be a features writer with the paper (her faithful aide-de-club Carson Griffith will remain to help the new guy) . Though DiGiacomo hasn’t ever worked at the News, he’s part of the gossip tradition there — he once co-edited “Page Six” with Daily News columnist Joanna Molloy, who later went on to write the “Rush & Molloy” column for over a decade with her husband, George Rush. (Rush just accepted the buyout offered by News brass — but long ago he worked as a gossip legman for Molloy and DiGiacomo at the Post). It’s been a while since DiGiacomo has been in the gossip trenches, but we’re sure he’ll do fine — in 2004, he penned Vanity Fair’s epic oral history of “Page Six”, the city’s seminal gossip clearinghouse.