It is always sort of jarring to see a Real Housewife out in the wild, but that’s what happened to us again last night at the preview party for Richard Meir and Nic Berggruen’s new apartment complex in Tel Aviv. Sonja Morgan was surprisingly camouflaged, drinking Champagne with the Sotheby’s set, but she chatted happily with us about the show. The lipo-friendly blonde convinced us she doesn’t Google-Alert herself and her co-stars (yet), like some people do. “New York Magazine recaps the show?” she asked, confused (we’d used our go-to party pick-up line: “Do you read the recaps?”). “I avoid the blogs,” she says. “Bravo told me, ‘Don’t read the blogs.’ Bloggers are the people out there writing tickets. Like, you know the parking attendant that comes up to you all angry? She’s having a bad day, it’s 90 degrees out, and you’re in this beautiful car with the air-conditioning going? She’s just pissed off, so she writes you a ticket. If you’re spiritual, and I’m very spiritual, you need to be above that. I’ve dealt with jealousy my whole life. I have no problem with it.”
Morgan also claims her actual high-society friends are fine with her newfound reality-TV fame. “Most of my friends in the social world are like 60, 70, 80 years old, and they’ve been around, and they’ve seen it all, and nothing shocks them. Doesn’t rock them at all. They’re like, ‘Go get ‘em. Support your townhouse and your daughter.’” (Naturally, she’s also now writing a book featuring recipes for under $20 that take under twenty minutes to make, claiming this feat is possible with Cornish hens.) So, has her ex-husband, a J.P. Morgan heir, seen the show? “I don’t know. I don’t know. I really haven’t thought about that.”