Yesterday, Maureen Dowd used her column to write a mock e-mail from Joe Biden attesting in great, hyperbolic extent to the heterosexuality of Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. You may think that wasn’t particularly subtle, but that’s because you didn’t read Andrea Peyser’s column today in the Post, during which Peyser traipsed across Brooklyn to Park Slope’s Ginger’s bar to ask all the lesbian softball players what they think of Kagan. “Kagan’s personal life matters mainly to militant older gals like 40-something Lori Maloney, who winced when a clutch of girls young enough to be her daughters walked into the bar, kissing,” Peyser writes. ( “They’re just showing off,” Maloney griped.) Some of the gals suggested that if Kagan is gay, she should wait to come out until after she secures her seat on the bench. “Then do a little dance!” Others suggested that if she is closeted, it would actually be harmful for gay people everywhere. Then all the gals got together for karaoke, except for Peyser, because that’s where she “draws the line.”
A hit with lesbians [NYP]