
Young Dan Madoff Takes One for the Team in Flying-Bagel Incident

High-school boys will be high-school boys, but when a bagel with cream cheese flew out of a school bus carrying members of the Greenwich High School tennis team recently, their troublemaking turned oddly serious. The high-carb projectile nearly caused an accident, and the woman driving the schmeared vehicle called the police, who pulled over the bus and demanded to speak to the team’s coach, Connie Jones. A heated altercation followed, during which Jones was handcuffed and placed in the police car. Upset at what was perceived as mistreatment of the beloved coach, a student ran out and took responsibility for the flying bagel, whereupon police were surprised to hear a familiar criminal name: Madoff. Dan Madoff. “Any relation?” the cops asked the boy, according to a letter Jones later sent school officials recounting the events of the evening.

The high schooler paused. “No,” he said. “You hesitated,” warned the officer. With encouragement from his coach, the young man admitted he was Bernie’s grandchild, the son of Mark and Susan Madoff. “He’s a good kid,” the coach assured cops. Police weren’t so sure, and detained the two for two and a half hours, according to reports. Jones, who police claim shoved an officer during the ordeal, was placed on administrative leave. As for Madoff, he turned out to have an honorable streak, unlike his grandfather, though he is apparently just as good at fudging the truth: He later admitted to the school that he didn’t throw the bagel, and two of his teammates came forward to take the blame. He has not been charged with any crimes, but he was suspended from the team for a couple of games.

Young Dan Madoff Takes One for the Team in Flying-Bagel Incident