“The only thing hipsters love more than hating on other hipsters is dinosaurs,” Caitlin Burns, the would-be producer of a movie called Jurassic Park Slope, explains to Daily Intel matter-of-factly. And the only thing they love more than dinosaurs is Bill Murray, which is why Burns has plastered Williamsburg with flyers like this one, which was captured by the blog New York Shitty, begging him to star in their “very D.I.Y.” project. “Obviously, it’s essential that we get Bill Murray,” explains Burns, who along with her co-producers has set up a hotline for the actor to call as well as two blogs and a Facebook Fan Page dedicated to the quest, although she won’t say what exactly the actor’s role will be or what’s in it for him. (“That’s between us and Bill Murray.”). Burns’s vision extends beyond soliciting major Hollywood talent. Jurassic Park Slope, she says, is “not just a movie, but a walking tour and a bar crawl” in which viewers will unlock scenes of the movie on their phones as they arrive at venues, all of which will be located in Williamsburg. Why the title, then? “Jurassic Park Slope is just a way funnier title than Jurassic Williamsburg.”