Roughly three years ago, Intel Chris took a tumble down the stairs in the Sixth Avenue L station. It was one of those epic falls in a crowded station where your first instinct is not, “Something horrible has happened to one of my only four appendages!” but rather, “How can I minimize the horrible, horrible humiliation I have just suffered in front of several dozen strangers?” Getting up, he did a little bit of a Mary Catherine Gallagher flourish, and did his best to laugh it off. Yes, there was some drinking involved, and yes, he was taking two stairs at a time — in flip-flops — but the train was coming. It’s like an animal instinct when that happens! (It was only one hour and two bars later, when he hopped off of a banquette, that he realized he had fractured his ankle, and would be in crutches for weeks.)
ABC 7 today captured the story of a similarly drunk man running to catch the D train who was not lucky enough to merely suffer humiliation and a cracked fibula. Instead, this guy slipped and fell in front of a departing train and got his leg caught between the train and the platform. Don’t think that sounds so bad? Watch the video. If you dare.