It’s the most glaring security lapse in the war on bird terror: a wildlife refuge teeming with scheming Canadian Canada geese within squawking distance of JFK Airport. It’s like allowing Al Qaeda to set up one of its monkey-bar training camps right on the National Mall. Yet despite the danger the refuge poses, and in the face of pressure from various agencies, the National Park Service refuses to authorize a preemptive strike on these geese.
“Our mission is to protect and preserve wildlife that’s a law and it isn’t a given that the removal of the geese is necessary to protect the flying public,” said [bird-terrorist sympathizer] Dave Avrin, the official at the Park Service’s Gateway National Recreation Area, which includes the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
They’re using our own laws against us! It’s so diabolical. And if we don’t act quickly, it’ll be too late: Preparations are already under way for the next aerial onslaught. Witness this chilling intelligence on life inside the refuge:
We’re in a war here, National Parks Service. Time to figure out which side you’re on.
Geese Behind ‘Miracle’ Hudson Landing Still Around [1010 WINS]