Look at you, adorable widdle falcon chick who was discovered in Queens and relocated by the Department of Environment Protection to a nest on the Verrazano Bridge! Look at you in your basket, with your tiny wings and fluffy-wuffy feathers and my, what big, frightening talons you have. What could you possibly use those for?
Indeed, peregrine falcons are birds of prey — raptors, technically — and one of the reasons that it is appropriate for them to nest on the tops of New York City bridges is that the high-rise perch “provides an excellent vantage point for hunting prey … seems that the falcons, which clock in at some of the fastest speeds seen in nature, feed on some significantly sized food: they have been known to dine on doves from time to time.
Emphasis ours, because, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Falcon Chicks and Errant Clicks [City Room/NYT]