It’s a mixed day for Apple. As Andrew Cuomo announces an investigation into accusations that the iPad wasn’t being sold to Asian-Americans over smuggling fears, Steve Jobs was at the always highly anticipated Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco today, revealing the new features of the iPhone 4 that make the 3GS you just bought a couple of months ago look like a Zack Morris phone. Here are the nine features of the phone which will be released on June 24th and run you $199 to $299 Jobs was most excited to share.
• The stainless-steel-and-glass phone is 24 percent thinner than its predecessor.
• The “retina display” increases the number of pixels fourfold. It’s apparently “a better display than the human eye can even process.”
• A new A4 processor and bigger battery allow for more talking and browsing time.
• A gyroscope improves gaming. The audience went “crazy” over this as Jobs played Jenga.
• A new camera system takes better photos, the camera records HD video, and iMovie is available as an app for $5.
• A new operating system, iOS 4, adds 100 new features, including multitasking.
• iBooks are now available on the iPhone. You only have to pay for a book once to get it on all your Apple products (iPhone, iPad, etc).
• Interactive iAds will help “developers earn money so they can continue to create free and low-cost apps for users.”
• And finally, “FaceTime” — video calling, just like the Jetsons!
Steve Jobs live from WWDC 2010 [Engadget]
Live Coverage - Worldwide Developers Conference 2010 [Mac Rumors Live]
Live WWDC 2010 keynote coverage [gdgt live]