
Accused Times Square Bomber Threatens U.S. in Surfaced Clip

A video has been released on Al Arabiya television that purportedly features accused Times Square car bomber Faisal Shahzad. The Pakistani-American announces his plans to attack the U.S. in the clip, directly linking him to both the May 1 bomb plot and to Al Qaeda.

This attack on the United States will be a revenge for all the mujahedeen (holy warriors) … and oppressed Muslims, including … Abu Musab al Zarqawi,” Shahzad says, referencing the Al Qaeda leader killed in 2006. “I will carry this attack on their behalf, and I hope that it will please Muslims.”

The authenticity of the 40-minute video — which was made in English with an Arabic voice-over — has not yet been confirmed. Al Arabiya said Shahzad appears in the video with Faqir Mohammed, the Taliban leader in Pakistan’s Bajaur region. The 30-year-old pleaded guilty to charges on June 21 and faces life in prison.

Times Square bomb plot suspect appears in new video threatening US [NYP]

Accused Times Square Bomber Threatens U.S. in Surfaced Clip