We will never know why American newspapers haven’t picked up on this Taiwanese trend of creating low-budget animated videos to explain important news stories. The CGI reenactment of the Tiger Woods car crash enlightened an entire continent about one of the most internationally relevant American stories of the new millennium. Imagine what this medium could do with Jon Gosselin. Or Michelle “Bombshell” McGee! Anyway, the latest American story to get the CGI treatment is the alleged harassment of a Seattle masseuse by former vice-president Al Gore. In this particular video (there was one before), Al Gore is a brutal fatso who is compared visually with the “sex-crazed poodle” the masseuse later claimed he was acting like. And when he leaves his mark on her blue pants, well, the visual comparison made there is an obvious choice, but no less damaging. A key element to the video is the way the women (masseuse and Monica) shake their heads throughout. They are scared, and a little bit angry, but mostly they are just sad for these saggy old pervs. [via Mediaite]