In his White House press briefing just now, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs apologized to former USDA employee Shirley Sherrod on behalf of the “entire administration” and said that Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is trying (Trying? How hard can it be?) to call her to apologize himself and discuss what will happen next. Gibbs also said that President Obama had no part in the decision to fire Sherrod. As for who’s to blame for the embarrassing incident, it’s our crazy media and political “culture.” “We live in a culture that things whip around, people want fast responses, we want to give fast responses, and I don’t think there’s any doubt that if we all look at this, I think that one of the great lessons we take away form this is to ask all the questions first, and to come to that fuller understanding,” Gibbs said. “I say that from the perspective of this administration, from the perspective of those that cover this administration, and those that are involved in the back-and-forth in the political theater of this country.”