In what has the potential of becoming a “conservative Huffington Post,” Glenn Beck has launched a new news and opinion website called The site will be edited by Scott Baker of Breitbart TV and include “original reporting, insightful opinions and engaging videos about the stories that matter most,” Beck told Mediaite. Baker said the site will consist of mostly “news and information,” as well as commentary and opinion stories that they feel “are being under-covered or not covered.”
And Beck, unsurprisingly, says he will be heavily involved in the daily maintenance of the site: “We are excited to launch and I look forward to keeping Scott and his team busy by sending countless ideas at 3am every morning,” he said.
Baker added: “The one thing pretty clear around Mercury [Beck’s company] is that Glenn is not short on ideas or hesitant on input… His input is already evident in how the site looks, and that’s what will continue. It will be a continual flow of tips and suggestions and encouragement.”
Others on the small staff include Jon Seidl of the Manhattan Institute and American Spectator, Meredith Jessup of Town Hall, and video editor Pam Key of Naked Emperor News.
Of course, there’s really no reason to think that Glenn’s fervent fan base, which followed him in great numbers to Washington, D.C., this past weekend, won’t take the leap online with him. Glenn’s introductory message posted tonight had generated over 200 (mostly fawning) comments within an hour, such as user Memphis’s “Hurray For The Blaze! Set Huff Po ON FIRE!!!” and commenter Philo Beddoe’s aesthetically focused “Finally a site that I can easily read and not squint … God Bless Glenn Beck.”
Glenn Beck Launches “News And Opinion” Website, The Blaze, Tonight [Mediaite]