In 2007, three years after their two-year relationship ended, former New Jersey governor Jon Corzine and union president Carla Katz were still in touch and e-mailing regularly about the government’s negotiations over a new state workers contract. And also, love. Based on the e-mails from that period obtained by the Star-Ledger, it’s clear that Katz was still a lot more hung up on Corzine than he was on her, which makes the release of said e-mails fairly cruel. In one e-mail, she relayed news of a sexy dream. “BTW,” the e-mail read, “I had an over the top erotic dream about you last night. Bad boy!!” Corzine never responded. In another e-mail, Katz wrote, “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie. You are both a good man and a hard man … and I like both. xxx.” Corzine only responded days later, after repeated and increasingly agitated entreaties by Katz, and even then only to tell her that they should probably try not to speak to each other while negotiations were ongoing.
But perhaps the most revealing thing about Corzine’s e-mails to his ex-girlfriend are how riddled with errors they often were. In one e-mail explaining his public downplaying of their friendship, Corzine wrote:
“I was ttrying [sic] tonot [sic] usse [sic] the word romantic. That should have been obvios [sic],” he wrote on March 8, 2007. Less than five minutes later, he added: “I undwerstand [sic] angst but I am trying noyt [sic] to make news! Let’s try to calm this thing down.”
Even if he wasn’t interested in rekindling their relationship, it seems unnecessarily mean of Corzine to rub his indifference in Katz’s face with all those typos. The not-very-subtle message for Katz: When I grudgingly respond to your e-mails, I’m going to type as quickly as possible and neglect to fix my many mistakes, because that is how much you mean to me.
Former N.J. Gov. Jon Corzine, Carla Katz’s forbidden e-mails are revealed [Star-Ledger]