At no time does news go more unnoticed than on Friday night, when many people finally begin enjoying their lives for the first time in the week, or, at the very least, take some time away from caring about things that happen in the world. So it’ll be interesting to see how much of an impact President Obama’s remarks on the ground zero mosque will have if he finally wades into the controversy at his White House Iftar dinner tonight. Though the White House has avoided the prickly “local issue” so far, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters today, “Religious freedom is something that the president believes in, and I think you’ll hear him talk about it tonight.” This would seem to be a perfect topic for one of Obama’s patented teachable moments, but with the general population largely against the mosque, the question is whether he’ll go for the full Bloomberg , settle for a Weiner, or merely vaguely allude to the issue.
Obama to address ‘religious freedom’ at Ramadan dinner [Swamp]