If you’ve been on Twitter today, your news feed was likely taken over by people declaring their Twifficiency rating, which claims to measure your efficiency on Twitter. Here’s an unsolicited tip: If you’re worried about efficiency, stay off Twitter. First it was mildly annoying (why is this nonsense a trending topic?). Then things got spammy as users quickly realized their scores were being tweeted without their permission. The mastermind behind the whole thing turned out to be a 17-year-old IT developer from Dundee, Scotland, named James Cunningham. And, like a teenager, he was pretty emo about the whole thing. “It wasnt mean [sic] to be used by this many people. Nothing I do ever catches on so it wasnt a concern,” he tweeted. Don’t be so glum, James. This might end up earning you a job in the highly specialized field of social media.
Twifficiency: A hard lesson in how business news travels fast [Business Zone UK]