Rudy’s daughter, a Harvard student and budding young actress, took a trip to the Lower East Side Sanitation Department depot as part of her community-service requirement, penance for shoplifting from Sephora last August. After cleaning toilets, the young lady headed to Pier 36 at the South Street Seaport to sweep floors and empty garbage pails at the garage, completing her eight hours of work. Also, she was “decked out in an orange work vest,” the Daily News reports, but she let her long locks flow down over her shoulders in a sort of “devil may care” way, we noticed, while donning a simple gray dress for photo-ops and, once again, showing off that camera-ready smirk of hers. Still got it!
Rudy Giuliani’s daughter Caroline cleans toilets for community service [NYDN via Runnin’ Scared/VV]