ink-stained wretches

Taiwan’s Takes On the Journal’s War With the Times

So by now you’re probably a little bit tired of’s CGI interpretations of American news events. We’ve seen them tackle Tiger Woods, and Lindsay Lohan, and Al Gore, and all manner of celebrity blunders in between, and frankly we weren’t sure there was much more they could do. We were wrong. In this new video, NMA depicts the story of the war between Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal and Arthur Sulzberger Jr.’s New York Times. Watch as Murdoch swims to New York with a shark fin permanently attached to his back. The shark motif is continued as the Journal team faces off against the Times team in what appears to be a West Side Story–style dance-off.

By the time Carlos Slim enters wearing a sombrero and bow tie, it’s pretty clear: Taiwan is punking us.

Taiwan’s Takes On the Journal’s War With the Times