As befits a man with 66 years behind him and a few billion in the bank, Bill Gross, founder of one of the world’s largest investment companies, has “been trying to loosen up a bit” lately, reports the Globe and Mail. So far, Project Let’s Get Loose has included hiring possibly unbalanced former TARP chief Neel Kashkari, firing off long missives to investors about his pooping style, and speaking (shall we say) frankly to the secretary of the Treasury after imbibing a beer and a half, the maximum amount of alcohol his tolerance will allow. “We chatted for 30 minutes in my inebriated state about what to do about the U.S. economy,” he tells the paper, “with an impish smile,” of the time Geithner called him when he was half in the tank. Fun! Then there’s the new office dancing policy.
Gross used to insist the floor be kept silent. But now:
The obsessive life of bond guru Bill Gross [Globe and Mail via Dealbreaker]