Federal officials expanded kill zones to seven miles around both JFK and LaGuardia airports, ignoring claims from goose sympathizers who like to point out that the migration pattern of Canadian geese does not intentionally coincide with the flight pattern of airplanes. Sure it doesn’t. Brooklyn Paper, which got its hands on the federal Department of Agriculture’s map of the expanded zone, says it covers “roughly half of Brooklyn, all of Manhattan except the Battery, much of the Bronx, and all of Queens.” But will that be sufficient to stop the birds’ plan of attack? After gassing 200 geese in Prospect Park in July, the population is already back up to 100. Former Parks Commissioner Henry Stern told the Post, “It reminds me of the old saying, ‘Kill them all and let God sort it out.’” Like God has any dominion over these beasts.
A gooseless city? Feds reveal that they can kill birds pretty much anywhere [Brooklyn Paper]
Feathers fly over goose ‘kill zones’ [NYP]