On Monday night, a man named Grim LeRogue (yes, that is really a person’s name) ran out onto the field during the Yankees/Rangers game. At first it was unclear why he interrupted play, but now details are emerging: He was hoping to attack A-Rod because of the third-baseman’s (seemingly) ongoing relationship with actress Cameron Diaz. LeRogue carried several pictures with him onto the field, including one of Diaz, and one of Rodriguez with a gun scribbled onto it pointing to his head. “You have to go bud,” he scrawled onto the photo. “You’ve ruined too many of our white queens.” “He thought by going out and choking A-Rod he’d be a hero to her,” a police source told the Daily News. Lest you think that this actually isn’t that crazy of an idea, you should also know that he told police he wanted to kill Bobby Brown, because Osama bin Laden has a crush on Bobby’s estranged wife Whitney Houston. That doesn’t even make sense — wouldn’t you want Osama bin Laden to be jealous? “I’m sure he’s fine,” said LeRogue’s mother, noting that her son has been trying to sell a manuscript to publishers lately (which is also why he changed his name to something so ridiculous). “I think it’s publicity for his book.”
Crazed fan who ran onto Yankee Stadium field was targeting A-Rod, has crush on Cameron Diaz [NYDN]